Monday, June 04, 2012

Assistive Technology and SimpleK12: An expanded look

An excellent blog post from the SimpleK12 blog, Assistive Technology:15 Ideas for the Classroom from Lisa (And Yes, they really do wear blue bunny slippers at conferences )

From the website

We'll post on each of the 15 Ideas to give you some ideas, resources and options you can use to implement the Technology at either no cost (free) or low cost. For each of the AT Ideas mentioned in the article, there are commercial and sometimes very expensive solutions. An Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) device can run many thousands of dollars and may be the best solution. But as a stopgap or fill-in there there are other ways to reach the same goal – student involvement and learning.

There are lots of programs available which for one reason or another, the developer has chosen to make available at no cost and even provides the program code to allow others to extend the features and improve the program.

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best (Occam's Razor)

So stand by to look at some new programs with exciting features AND looking at features in old programs you might have missed.

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